-Video Formats 1080/59.94i, 1080/50i, 1080/29.97PsF, 1080/25PsF, 1080/24PsF, 1080/23.98PsF, 720/59.94p, 720/50p, 525/60 (NTSC), 625/50 (PAL)
-Number of Video Inputs Standard: SDI x24 / Max.: SDI x48 (with 6 HVS-100DI-A cards installed)
-Number of Video Outputs Standard: HD-SDI x16, HDMI x2 / Max.: SDI x20, HDMI x2 (with 2 HVS-100DO cards installed)
-Signal Processing 4: 2: 2: 4, digital component
-Quantization HD/SD-SDI: 10-bit
-Color correc . . .